Please complete this form to create a new account. Upon completion, an email will be sent to the provided email account for verification. You will need to follow the link in the email prior to logging in to the LEIL LEI System. After logging in, you will then be able to register, modify amd renew LEI records, as well as download the LEIL LEI System database files.
Please supply all the information below. Fields marked with * are required.
Name |
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Login Credentials |
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Other Info |
*Address Line 1 |
Address Line 2 |
*Telephone No. |
*Mobile No. |
*Country |
*City |
*Postal Zip Code |
*Region |
Group Email Address1 |
Group Email Address2 |
Group Email Address3 |
Job Title |
Alternative Email ID 1 |
Alternative Email ID 2 |
Alternative Email ID 3 |
Please provide contact person details if, it is other than the Authorized Officials / Partner / Proprietor as mentioned above.
Name: |
Contact Number: |
Email Id: |
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